The last three months have been awesome, because i got to work on the coolest book ever, and now it is coming to an end. im so sad. all thats left is the cover. i made some final touch ups through out the book this past week and now i am brainstorming about whats going to go on the cover. ive been researching and looking at caldecott recipients and all of their covers seem to be simple, bold, and to the point, without giving too much of the story away. so i guess thats what ill try to do. ::shrugs:::
anyways on a more personal note: i cant believe christmas, new years, and my bff's bday is over...and did anyone notice how valentines decorations went on sale like december 26th? yeah.
so for my friends birthday we went to the hilton seafood and prime rib buffet near universal city walk...and it was awesome. we usually go every year. but this year was extra special because i finally managed to swallow an oyster on the half shell.....i feel bad because she loves them...and dont get me wrong because i love sea food and trying new crap.....but i guess its just one of those textural things???? it was like swallowing a big gob of whale snot? why do people get such a kick out of eating those anyway? another thing on the list that, according to me, women wrote, to get men to eat weird shit....."oh eat it! its an aphrodisiac!" yeah right.