Tuesday, November 17, 2009

dont let your child do this....

unless of course its a pet possum...ha. this is inspired by the old lady that lived in our neighborhood with the giant pet possum....i personally have never seen her...but several sources close to me have seen her walking him/her on a leash. also...i am in love with the bungalow houses of southern ca and i have been dying to draw and paint one. most of these houses are found in pasadena and long beach and were built between 1900-1920. they are sooo beautiful...one day when i am rich and famous i will collect them and live in the biggest and prettiest one. so here is the initial drawing...i will try to have the painting done tomorrow!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

dude wheres my dugong?

so this is an image i just had to put on paper. i love dugongs and manatees, i think that they are so mysterious and fascinating. they are like somewhere between seals and whales and i couldnt wait to draw and paint one. so here he is... the elusive dugong!!!!

super fly fish!!!

little painting i did last week of my new flying fish girl!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You're wearing what?

here are some children i painted over the last couple of days...the younger they are the older the fashion. they are wearing typical 20's 30's 40's 50's and 60's fashions for children. id like to thank my mom and her great facebook photos for the 1960's references...just to make her feel old..haha.